Dog Movie Review

DogDog Movie Review

Dog Movie Synopsis:

Year: 2009
Duration: 1 h 30 min
Genre: Horror
Director: Timothy Gates
Writer: James Korloch
Cast: Michelle Page, Jeremy Gladen, David Fine, Anthony Hornus

‘A vast salvage yard, lies nestled in the woods, on the edge of a Mid-Western town. Owned and operated by a pair of sadistic, murderous brothers, the yard is a place of death and unimaginable horror. At night, the salvage yard is watched over, not by canines of the four-legged breed, but by ‘Dog’, the owners’ tormented younger brother. Warped by years of abuse at the hands of his brothers, horribly deformed by generations of in-breeding, the feral boy (more beast, than man) prowls the shadowy confines of the junk yard, slaughtering anyone foolish enough to enter after night falls.’ There’s more, of course…much more!

Dog Movie Review is a post from: Moviemand

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